About Me

My name is Marisa Lawrence and I just received my Multiple Subjects credential this June. I have been in the education field for the past 12 years working in after school programs, nonprofits, and as an EFL teacher in San Francisco and Korea. 
I have been living in the Bay Area since I came up here to go to Berkeley and I fell in love with the place. I am excited to begin my Elementary School teaching career and I started this blog so that I could share my past and future adventures in teaching!

Here I am with my sweet Third Grade class. I was lucky enough to be their student teacher for the entire year and I got to sub the whole last week of school. This was the last day of school. I miss them already!

I love doing science experiments with my students! Here are some students at one of the nonprofits I worked for doing a volcano experiment.

Here I am with one of my EFL classes. They were students from Guinea, Israel, Korea, Japan, Brazil, Turkey and Colombia.  I taught some of them for about 3 years, so we were like a family!

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