Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kindergarten Math Unit: Measurement

This is a two-lesson unit I taught in which Kindergarten students explored the concept of measurement.
Prior to the first lesson, students already made their name using unifix cubes and a sticker on each cube for each letter of their name. In this first lesson, students used their length of unifix cubes to compare the length of their name to that of their classmates. Students found 2 classmates whose names were shorter than theirs, 2 classmates whose names were longer than theirs, and 2 classmates whose names were equal to theirs and wrote their answers on tri-folded paper.
In the second lesson students explore the need for standard units of measurement. Students used unifix cubes, orange cuisenaire rods, and straws to measure their journal, a marker and the table. Students also chose 3 other objects in the classroom to measure using the same materials. At the end of the lesson, we had a discussion about the differences between the measurements. For example, "Why do you think the journal is 2 orange rods in length, but only one straw?"

Measurement Day 1
Measurement Day 2

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